District Attorney Jim Garrison exposes truth about JFK assassination in 1967

New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison prosecuted the only legal case in the assassination of President John Kennedy. He lost, of course, because th CIA was protecting certain witnesses and permanently silencing others. Still, Garrison was able to secure enough historic information in the public record that we can now form reasonable conclusions about what happened. What is so amazing is that Garrison is telling us this in 1967!

It took other researchers thirty or more years to reach similar conclusions. At the time, most citizens were simply intellectually or emotionally incapable of comprehending even a fraction of the truth Garrison revealed, and as a population we remain far too passive and naïve.

Hitler recognized this convenient truth as “The Big Lie (Große Lüge). Yet only four years after JFK was conveniently disposed of by “The Secret Team” (see Col. Fletcher Prouty), Garrison had essentially solved the mystery of who did it and why. Paid detractors and their unpaid volunteers continue to insult Garrison’s memory with the constant trivial dickering over inconsequential details (see Gerald Posner), yet this is what now passes for political discourse in the United States.

The media fawns and toadies that catered to the military-industrial complex Eisenhower warned us about as he was leaving office really outdid themselves in their trashing of Jim Garrison, resorting to all sorts of dirty tricks, illegal or otherwise. Considering that those few of us who have examined the evidence have little trouble understanding the forces who killed JFK, RFK, MLK along with the acronymically unknown, it appears that much of their hush money was primarily wasted on fools.

Jim Garrrison was one American male with balls of brass. He knew the truth about what happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963, and he tried to make people understand it even as his life was being threatened. He’s what I would call a hero if I engaged in that sport. He didn’t just stand up for what he believed in; any fool can do that right or wrong. Garrison verified the facts behind him, which made his pronouncements even more threatening, yet he shouted them to the nation anyway!

How many of us would do the same?


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