Garrison summarises and explains to the media key points of his official investigation — as New Orleans District Attorney — into the JFK Assassination. Much of what he reveals is not common knowledge even now.
Category Archives: History
Mae Brussell, Internet Archive

From site: “This is a collection of Mae Brussell’s recordings from 1971 to 1988. The archive begins in June 1971, a month after Mae began her radio career as a frequent guest on KLRB’s show Dialogue: Conspiracy, which expanded into KLRB’s regular segment Dialogue: Assassination and from there into Dialogue: Conspiracy and World Watchers International.
While a few of Mae’s recordings have been lost, this collection [when completed will be] a comprehensive source of her surviving broadcast material. For supplemental interviews and lectures” … Full text below:
Jim Morrison’s father, USN Rear Admiral George Stephen, talks about his son as frontman for The Doors.
“Huitramannaland: The unknown history of America / ‘Kótaix-Halaháches'” / Rafael Videla Eissmann
Monday, January 28, 2019, “Kótaix-Halaháches“
“Possibly, one of the most peculiar hówen (gods) of the Patagonian-Antarctic selk’nam tradition preserved in the initiation rite Hain, is “Kótaix-Halaháches”–the celestial counterpart of Jálpen, goddess of the Underworld (the Hollow Earth). Women called him “Halháches”, while men called him “Kótaix” (continued).

Life-size reproduction of the Hówen, Kótaix-Halaháchios of the southern end of Chile (National Museum of Natural History of Chile).
“Huitramannaland: The unknown history of America / ‘Cra, Cran and the diluvial tradition in the Selk’nam subculture’†/ Rafael Videla Eissmann
Rafael Videla Eissmann is a Chilean historian and lecturer who has authored two published books on Atlantis– Desde la Atlántida and Los Dioses Extraterrestres: El Regreso de B’Olon Yokte’ K’Uh = The Extraterrestrial Gods  along with numerous scholaraly articles, and articles in Nexus magazine including an interview with Chariots of the Gods author, Erich von Däniken. The Swill Bucket is pleased to begin reprinting Eissmann’s recent work from his website: Huitramannaland: The unknown history of America
Beach Boys sing Charles Manson’s song, ‘Cease to Exist’ ca. 1969
The Beach Boys called it “Never Learn Not to Love”. Manson wrote it as a blues piece but the pop band naturally changed it to suit their genre, which pissed Manson off royally.
In retrospect, not a guy you would want to piss off… It’s a mediocre song at best. I say that now that he’s dead! Ha! Ha!
Key Line: “Submission is a gift”
Here’s another mediocre song he wrote: