La historia desconocida de América (The Unknown History of America) / Rafael Videla Eissmann

La historia desconocida de América

Viracocha Inga

La presente imagen es una ilustración del octavo soberano incásico, Viracocha Inga, realizada por el historiador Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala en su obra El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (1583-1615).La presente imagen es una ilustración del octavo soberano incásico, Viracocha Inga, realizada por el historiador Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala en su obra El Primer Nueva Corónica y Buen Gobierno (1583-1615).

HUITRAMANNALAND: The unknown history of America / “Representaciones prehispánicas de ojos azules” (Pre-Hispanic blue-eyed representations) Part 2, by Rafael Videla Eissmann

Pre-Hispanic Representations of Blue Eyes (Part 2)

Sacrificer carved in a tablet of the San Pedro culture of northern Chile

(Archaeological Museum Gustavo Le Paige)

A continuation from Part 1 (link below), this article presents pre-Hispanic masks that display the peculiar characteristic of blue eyes, evidencing the existence of an ancient white population in the Americas.


HUITRAMANNALAND: The unknown history of America / “Representaciones prehispánicas de ojos azules” (Pre-Hispanic blue-eyed representations) by Rafael Videla Eissmann

As it has been exposed in varied articles but especially in our works such as Raza primigenia (2003), The Gods of Antarctica (2009), Runic Symbols in America. The return to the ancestral land (2011), The City of the Caesars and the mystery of the white Indians (2012), The Extraterrestrial Gods and the return of B’olon Yokte’K’u (2013) and The lituches. The god-men of the southern tradition of the world (2014), since the European irruption in the American continent numerous conquerors, missionaries and chroniclers have left record of the existence of a pre-Hispanic population of ethnic characteristics totally different from the indigenous stereotype: Tall, white individuals, sometimes with light hair.
These are the white Indians , descendants of the legendary White Gods – the “sons of idols” as the indigenous informants communicated to the conqueror Pedro Pizarro: