Mae Brussell, Internet Archive

From site: “This is a collection of Mae Brussell’s recordings from 1971 to 1988. The archive begins in June 1971, a month after Mae began her radio career as a frequent guest on KLRB’s show Dialogue: Conspiracy, which expanded into KLRB’s regular segment Dialogue: Assassination and from there into Dialogue: Conspiracy and World Watchers International.

While a few of Mae’s recordings have been lost, this collection [when completed will be] a comprehensive source of her surviving broadcast material. For supplemental interviews and lectures” … Full text below:

‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ Turns 40- The Sleuth Journal

 Is this Eugene Brading’s ‘X-marked hatband’? (‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ (p. 5) In 1975 an extraordinary document surfaced called “A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File.” Distributed hand-to-hand long before the advent of computer-based social media, the 22-page typed copy I received in 1976 had been reproduced so many times that several words and letters were unclear or missing. Evidently a fervent underground effort had been underway to get this information out. So I’ve kept a copy of the Skeleton Key around for the last four decades taking notes on developments, and recent history, so far, has increased my confidence in the document’s veracity. (continued):

Dealey Plaza / Is this Eugene Brading’s “X-marked Hatband”?

‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ (p.5)

‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ Turns 40

 “A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File”

(link to original 22-page document)

“Is Howard Hughes Dead and Buried on an Island in Greece?”

Stephanie Caruana and Mae Brussell, Playgirl, December, 1974


 Is this Eugene Brading’s ‘X-marked hatband’? (‘A Skeleton Key to the Gemstone File’ (p. 5)




Bruce Roberts and Carmen Miranda from magazine photo, ca. 1952:

Note: Author Gerald Carroll discovered this photo in the archives of the San Francisco Examiner in 1989. Stephanie Caruana assured me this was the same Bruce Roberts she knew in San Francisco. It shows not only that Bruce Roberts existed but that he had knowledge and interest concerning artificial gems. SH
