Murder, Inc. Your Tax Dollars At Work:

Gul Mudin, a farmer's son and civilian, was murdered by US soldiers on Jan. 15, 2010

Sure the US government mouthpieces are condemning the photos as “horrific,” but these soldiers were brainwashed (trained) to kill with no remorse. Why are we surprised then when they kill with no remorse?

Does this smiling killer appear to consider his victim a human being? It doesn’t appear that way to me. Dehumanizing the enemy is a standard aspect of formal military brainwashing. This is what “be[ing] all you can be” involves. This dead man, a civilian, is the son of a farmer.        

Full article here:

Koyaanisqatsi (Life Out of Balance) 1982 Original Movie

Koyaanisqatsi is a Hopi Indian word that means “life out of balance.”

It refers, of course, to us and the supposed “civilization” we have created.

Are we civilized or are we insane?

An art-house circuit sensation, this feature-length documentary is visually arresting and possesses a clear, pro-environmental stance. Koyaanisqatsi is composed of nature imagery, manipulated in slow motion, double exposure or time lapse, juxtaposed with footage of humans’ devastating environmental impact on the planet. The message of director Godfrey Reggio is clear: humans are destroying the planet, and all of human progress is pointlessly foolish.