(Reuters) – American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or
capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then
informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
(Reuters) – American militants like Anwar al-Awlaki are placed on a kill or
capture list by a secretive panel of senior government officials, which then
informs the president of its decisions, according to officials.
If you can believe it, the world has been without George Carlin for over three years. But his influential stand-up comedy continues to resonate with themes in our society that will never go out of style: inequality, social mores, hypocrisy and disenfranchisement, to name a few. And based on this clip from his 2005 special “Life is Worth Losing,” Carlin would likely be marching with protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement, or at least supporting them from afar.
(THE BLAZE – Jonathon M. Seidl) –Southwest Airlines has increasingly been finding graffiti on the bellies of its planes and has now asked employees to keep an eye out for the culprits. What type of graffiti? According to ABC15 in Phoenix, sources say the markings are Arabic words, and another outlet reports the markings have been done using a chemical process. (Click to article)
KIEV (Reuters) – A 77-year-old Ukrainian man won a jar full of sour cream for coming first in a dumpling eating contest and then promptly died, local media reported on Wednesday.
How would you like these cretins to be a jury of your “peers”?
Some members of the debate audience cheered the idea of letting people without health insurance die.
Tampa Tea Party Master Debaters
CEO’s tax break shorts Social Security
Social Security should not be placed on the cutting board by either of our political parties. Presently, Social Security is in the black with $2.6 trillion.
Even with the demands that Baby Boomers will place on Social Security is extremely simple.
It should not matter how much is earned each year, the Social Security tax (FICA) should be paid on total earnings and not capped at $106,000 dollars.
The average American worker has always paid the full Social Security tax. Therefore, the CEOs of large corporations who average $11 million should pay the tax on the entire amount and not just the first $106,000.
Democracy is advanced when there is fairness in all taxation.
by Henry Denny and Judy Powell, Chino Valley, AZ
You can follow the rather extensive thread of comments generated by this brief letter on the Arizona Republic’s online site: