The ‘Shared Psychosis’ of Donald Trump and His Loyalists – Scientific American

Forensic psychiatrist Bandy X. Lee explains the outgoing president’s pathological appeal and how to wean people from it By Tanya Lewis on January 11, 2021

“The violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building last week, incited by President Donald Trump, serves as the grimmest moment in one of the darkest chapters in the nation’s history. Yet the rioters’ actions—and Trump’s own role in, and response to, them—come as little surprise to many, particularly those who have been studying the president’s mental fitness and the psychology of his most ardent followers since he took office. “


Mae Brussell, Internet Archive

From site: “This is a collection of Mae Brussell’s recordings from 1971 to 1988. The archive begins in June 1971, a month after Mae began her radio career as a frequent guest on KLRB’s show Dialogue: Conspiracy, which expanded into KLRB’s regular segment Dialogue: Assassination and from there into Dialogue: Conspiracy and World Watchers International.

While a few of Mae’s recordings have been lost, this collection [when completed will be] a comprehensive source of her surviving broadcast material. For supplemental interviews and lectures” … Full text below: