Immunities don’t exist, and of course the government always does a better job at protection

Repeatedly, police and their apologists insist that police are held accountable regularly, and in fact are held to a “higher” standard than ordinary people. This simply isn’t the case, according to the law (and don’t police and their supporters care about the law?) Below are several provisions of the California Government Code, which are relevant to the police state, governmental lack of accountability, and why government services in this area are so poor. Similar provisions likely exist in other jurisdictions, and are supported by Supreme Court case law.

Let’s start with the police –

(Entire story here)

Police promise to take legal action if they are injured by OWS protestors-George Sand

Police and their supporters always talk about how policing is such a difficult and dangerous job. As with most things related to police, this attitude is derived from general misconception, ignorance, and a tendency of people to arbitrarily worship those in fancy uniforms. Year after year, policing fails to make the top ten list of most dangerous professions. The dangers they face on the job consistently fall below that of pilots, loggers, sanitation workers, farmers, fishers, etc.

(Read entire article here)

George Sand received her B.A. from UCLA and her J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law.  She enjoys beer, jogging, the beach and music in her spare time. Contact the author at