KPFA Story on ‘We Won’t Fly’ Opt Out Day Protest

I just filed this story on KPFA Radio about the ‘We Won’t Fly’ campaign. The story treats it more fairly than mainstream McMedia that all read from the same AP script and said the event “fizzled” too early in the day for there to have been time to accurately assess it. That reminded me of the story about John Tyner, the man of “don’t touch my junk” fame. Immediately after that story broke, the media was reporting that “8 out of 10” Americans supported the TSA’s actions in the case when clearly there had been insufficient time to have conducted a valid poll. It was an example of media not reporting news but manufacturing it. That’s what we saw yesterday in coverage of Opt Out Day.

It didn’t fizzle. TSA backed off for the day and fewer people were flying due to We Won’t Fly’s efforts. Accolades to those who protested despite the lack of support by others.

“National ‘We Won’t Fly’ Opt Out Day Protest”  Audio Here

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17 minutes, 45 seconds into broadcast (about 4 minutes long)